DI 27 the securitization market activity from 2000 to 2009

DI 27 the securitization market activity from 2000 to 2009

2017-12-24    00'52''

主播: 海外东方学院

85 12

The bar chart shows the securitization market activity from 2000 to 2009. The items here include CDO, ABS, CMBS and RMBS. The figure started at 500 billion dollars and then increased to 2000 billion dollars, before declining to 300 billion dollars at the end of the period. The largest figure can be found in the year 2006, which is 2000 billion dollars, while the smallest figure can be found in the year 2009, which is 100 billion dollars. Overall it is clear that the figures for CDO, ABS, CMBS and RMBS fluctuated widely over the years.
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