走遍世界 旅游口语 绝对不能错过的阿罗哈节2

走遍世界 旅游口语 绝对不能错过的阿罗哈节2

2019-06-18    09'45''

主播: voice of chunxia

1206 16

Every September, 每年九月, Hawaii hosts a very important event ——the Aloha Festivals. 夏威夷迎来了一年一度的重要节日—-阿哈罗节。 The Aloha Fest is the annual national cultural celebration of Hawaii. 阿哈罗节可是全民狂欢的文化庆典。 Every year, the Aloha Festivals Royal Court holds a grand opening ceremony for the festival , 每年皇家仪仗队都会为它举行隆重的开幕仪式, drawing huge crowds ! 引得万人空巷! (周二) The highlight of the festival is the floral parade . 当然,节日的重头戏还是花车游行。 On the day of the parade, 游行当天, a procession of flamboyant floats floods the avenue. 五颜六色的花车满大街游走, Brightly dressed actors dance and sing along the way, 衣着华丽的演员们一路上载歌载舞, drawing the cameras of hundreds of thousands of people . 吸引了数十万人扛着长枪短炮而来,(去记录着无比欢庆的场面)