【跟Annie练口语】 C-美国俚语

【跟Annie练口语】 C-美国俚语

2017-01-01    03'37''

主播: 跟Annie练口语

413 15

1. catch some Z's = get some sleep 睡一会儿 I stayed up all night studying so I'd better catch some z's. 我熬夜学习来着,所以我最好睡一会儿。 2. cheesy = cheap 便宜的 That is really a cheesy looking outfit. 那外套看起来真俗气。 3. chicken = coward 胆小鬼 Don't be a chicken. 别害怕。/别那么胆小。 4. cold fish = cold and unfriendly 冷淡 She seems like a cold fish 她看上去很冷淡。/冷冰冰的 5. come up for air = take a break 休息 He has to come up for air. 他应该休息。 6. con = deceive 欺骗 Don't try to con me. 不要欺骗我。 7. cool = good 酷 This place is really cool. 这房子确实很酷。 8. cool down = calm down 平静下来 She didn't cool down for hours after that argument 那次争论之后,她好几个小时没平静下来。 9. couch potato = lazy person 懒惰的人 He is such a couch potato. 他是一个懒鬼。 10. cram = study hard 考试前突击学习 He's been cramming for his exams all week. 他为了考试,突击学习已经一周了。 11. cut out = leave 离开 It is late. I have to cut out. 太晚了,我该走了。