金银岛Treasure Island Chapter 1 half

金银岛Treasure Island Chapter 1 half

2016-01-16    04'02''

主播: 湘飒沁笙

252 9

Z Z Z Z 呼 呼 呼 呼 Mon,some suspicious men are watching our inn. 妈妈,有一些鬼鬼崇崇的人在外面监视我们的小旅店。 our inn? 监视我们的店? Shh!I think they will attack into the room upstairs. 嘘!我觉得他们会攻进楼上的房间去。Do they want to steal the chest full of treasure? 我猜是的,那我们怎么办呢? Sneak sneak Z Z Z Z 偷偷溜走,呼 呼 呼 呼 We don't need to feel ashamed of this even before God. 即使在上帝面前,我们也不用对自己的行为感到惭愧。 I'll take as much as he owed us! 我会把他欠我们的都拿回来。 I'll take this for what he owed me. 我要拿这个当作他欠我的补偿。 What? Z Z Z Z 什么?呼 呼 呼 呼 I think they are coming.Mom.Let's slip out of the inn in a hurry! 他们快来了,妈妈,我们赶紧离开旅店吧! Mom!He is dead. They looked for the treasure all over the house! 妈妈,他死了,他们竟然翻遍了整个屋子找财宝! Now I understand! I think they were here to look for this. 哦,我明白了,我想他们是来找这个的!What is it?It looks like a map.Mom,I'll be back in a minute. 这是什么?这看上去像是地图。妈妈,我马上回来! SCAMPER 奔跑 Gasp Gasp 呼 呼 呼 Dr. Livesey! 利维斯医生! Hey,are you Jim? 嗨,你是吉姆吗? How do you do,Squire? 最近好吗?乡绅大人? Do you know him?He is Jim Hawkins,son of the owner of the inn. 你认识他吗?他是吉姆·何金斯,旅店老板娘的儿子。 Yes,he has grown up. 哦,他已经长大了。 You are a doctor and a squire.That's why I rushed to you. 您二位一位是医生,一位是乡绅,这就是我跑来找您们的原因。 And you have the map,right? 现在地图在你手上,对吗? Squire, lower you voice,please. Okay,okay. 乡绅大人,请您小声一点儿。好的,好的。 Livesey, have you heard about a real pirate named Flint?Of course.I heard that Spanish seamen almost faint away whenever they heard the name of Flint. 利维斯,你听说过弗林特吗?他是一个真正的海盗。当然了,我听说西班牙的水手们一听说弗林特的名字就吓得没影了。 A famous American pirate named 'Black dog' was only a child compare with Flint! 在弗林特面前,美国著名的海盗“黑狗”简直就是个小孩子! Well, he said that...... 他还提到了这个…… That's true.Flint was such a great pirate that the treasure stole were tremendous. 没错,弗林特是个了不起的海盗,被他偷走的财宝数额巨大。 Of course.There were widespread rumors that Flint hid the treasures and made the map.Now the map is in front of us! 可不是!还有一个广为人知的传言说,弗林特把他的财宝藏了起来,并且画了张地图,现在这地图就在我们面前。