1、catalogue /ˈkæt̬.əl.ɑːɡ/ n. 小册子,目录
英文释义: a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy from a shop
1) 词根:cata- 表示方向“向下”
2) 词根:log- 表示说话
3)后缀:-ue 名词后缀
2、collaborate /kəˈlæb.ə.reɪt/ v. 合作,协作
英文释义: to work with someone else for a special purpose
1) 前缀:col- 全部
2) 词根:labor- 劳动
2) 后缀:-ate 此处为动词后缀
3、commemorate /kəˈmem.ə.reɪt/ v. 纪念
英文释义:to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event, especially by a public ceremony or by making a statue or special building
1) 前缀:com-全部,共同
2)词根:memor- 记忆(memory)
3)后缀:-ate 此处为动词后缀
4、certificate /sɚˈtɪf.ə.kət/ n. 证书
英文释义:an official document that states that the information on it is true
1) 词根:cert- 表示sure 确定的
2) 词根:fic- 做
3) 后缀:-ate 此处为名词后缀