

2017-05-09    04'51''

主播: 铅笔英语

56 14

Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English”. Nick:Hello大家好我叫Nick Brad:大家好,我是Brad. Hi everyone, my name is Brad Nick:今天呢还是我的老朋友Brad,我们今天来教大家另外一个非常应景的短语叫做这个Party非常high.这个high要怎么表达。其实要注意,这个high在这里是用了错误的,等会我会和大家详细解释为什么是错的。对于这个Party非常热闹非常high的一个场景的表达,我们叫做Lit或者我们可以简略它t的发音, The part lit. Hi, Brad, remember the party we went to last night? Brad: Yeah! Nick: That was awesome, that was impressive. Arona’s party. Brad: Don’t say too much, man, do talk too much. Nick: That was so impressive. So in that kind of situation, would you use the word “lit” Brad: Yeah that was definite lit where the music is loud, everyone is around moving. Can I talk about when you would not use it yet? Nick: Yeah I’ll talk about that later. 这个Brad刚刚说的是Lit在Part非常热闹非常high[注意:这个high还是错的]的一个场景的时候还是用lit, “the party is lit”. 为什么我们说这个high是错误的呢?Would you ever use the word “high” to describe a party? Brad: No, “high” would be someone who’s Nick: Who’s like drugged, stoned? Brad: Like marijuana, cocaine. If you are around cocaine in America, get out. You can get in a lot trouble. Nick: Exactly, that’s for sure. 那Brad刚刚就说这个high是用于stoned. 顺带教大家一个短语stoned. 说吸完毒的感受 “are you stoned”就是问你是不是刚吸过毒。这个时候呢才可以用high. High一般就是形容吸毒,你不要上来就说I’m high形容你非常的高兴,或者是兴奋到极点,这是不对的。在形容party的这一点上,我们可以用lit代替我们所谓的极度好,极度牛逼,非常令人印象深刻的party我们都可以叫lit. But there are something we have to be noticed, right? Like you can’t use “lit”, like in what kind of situation? Brad: “Lit” you can almost go with a certain level of active. Like people moving around, as mentioned. It’s lit. But if no one is moving. People are just sitting on a couch. Watching a television show. It’s not lit. you are just hanging out. Nick: So let’s say I hit the bar with a couple of friends. We just drink beers and watch TV and talk with each other… Brad: It’s a good time but it’s not lit Nick: So you can’t describe that situation as “it’s lit” Brad: It’s a weird word to use for that. Nick:Brad刚刚也和我们解释了,其实我刚刚描述的一个情况就是在我们国内来说叫清吧。这种酒吧,放着轻柔的音乐。你和朋友三三两两地去聊天,去玩,去玩桌游或者怎么样都好。这种情况下就不能用lit, 其实用中文想想,这种情况下就是hanging out的一个场景,就是和朋友聊聊天,消磨时间,这种时候就不能用lit. Lit只能用在非常激动非常兴奋的一个场合like a concert Brad: Yeah for sure, concerts are lit. Unless it’s an orchestra. I mean love orchestra, I love piano but piano is never “lit” . Nick: I don’t play piano, I mean I wish I could. 那Brad刚才还是解释了一下,说在很classical的场合,是不能用这个lit. 因为还是像刚刚说的必须要在party非常high非常impressive的情况下才能用这个lit. 那以后大家去玩啊去一个party,去一个极度有气氛让你非常的忘乎,所以你们就可以说This part is so lit.今天就是一个我们的主要内容.see you guys next time. Bye! Brad:Bye,everyone!