

2017-06-28    02'16''

主播: 铅笔英语

48 14

Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English.” Nick:大家好,我是Nick. Brad:大家好,我是Brad 欢迎大家订阅查看微信公众号“ 铅笔英语”,有更多精彩免费内容。同时如果大家有什么想学的表达,可以在评论留言告诉我,或者在新浪微博@黄宏敏Nick私信告诉我。 今天我们来学习两组很容易被搞错的,却又很常用的词。一个是废话,一个叫胡说八道。这节课我们先来学习,废话怎么说。废话就是指你说的东西大家都知道,不需要浪费时间单独阐述。比如1+1=2,大家都知道的事实。 Nick: Brad, why are you sweating so bad? Brad: Oh my god that Sichuan beef noodle I just had was so hot. I’ve eaten Chinese food for long time but I’ve never had anything that hot! I can’t stop drinking water! Why was that so hot?! Nick: I just can’t believe it. Wait, you ordered Sichuan noodle, why? I though you didn’t like spicy food. Brad: I don’t mind spicy food for sure. I eat hot wings just about every other other day. But I didn’t know that was that spicy! Nick: That’s funny. Have you heard of Sichuan province? Brad: Yeah the place with a lot of pandas or something? Nick: Well, that is true. Sichuan has a lot of pandas. But I meant food. Brad: Oh no I have no idea about the food there. What? The food is spicy or what? Nick: Duh! Dude, Sichuan food is famous for the spicy flavor. You really don’t know? Brad: I really don’t know, I really have no idea but I keep that in mind. Nick: Yeah you should. Good luck then. 那我们刚刚说,duh就是说一个废话的意思,大家都知道四川food非常辣。Duh注意要拖一下语调,有一定的语气。So this is pretty much it for this time, I’ll see you guys next time, bye. Brad:再见