VARAŚÁ ESECHE NIIP NIKUINJE BETAS KUNJE NÁCITE NÁCITE SHIKHIRÁ SAKALE CHANDE METECHE VIIŃÁR DHVANITE MANDRITA GIITITE CHANDAHÁRÁ DHARÁ PRÁŃA PEYECHE SHIKHIRÁ SAKALE CHANDE METECHE JUTHIR SUVÁS BHÁSE SAJAL HAOÁY MANER PARÁG HÁSE MADHUR MÁYÁY CHANDE CHANDE VIPULÁNANDE ÁDHA MARÁ TARU SAB JEGE UT́HECHE SHIKHIRÁ SAKALE CHANDE METECHE 在卡鄧柏小樹叢裡 雨水降下 In the bower of kadamba flowers,the Rains have come 在甘蔗園裡 雨水淅瀝地舞動著 Dancing, dancing in the grove of cane. 孔雀們在旋律中雀躍不已 And all the peacocks have started prancing in rhythm. 在琴韻般的降雨聲中 In the vibrant songs from the soundings lyres, 旋律失落的大地又得到新生 The world without thythm has found new life 茉莉花的芳香飄浮在濕潤的空氣中 The fragrance of Jasmine floats in the wet air. 心靈花粉微笑在最甜美的爱中 And the pollen of mind smiles in the sweetest love. 在無比喜悅的旋律裡 Thrilling in blissful rhythms, 枯萎的樹木再度欣欣向榮 The half-dead plants have sprung into life.