

2020-06-28    01'46''

主播: 丹尼老师

314 5

Respectfully Presented to Remonstrator[1] Zheng: Ten Couplets A post of remonstrance[2] is no lack of success, your name, long known for understanding the Poems. You have always hit exactly the mark, who dares compete with you to be foremost? Your thoughts waft beyond shapes in cloud, getting poetic rules right, gods and spirits are shocked. You have not the least lingering regret, the waves of your exposition, uniquely mature. How could this man of the wilds find a place?— Heaven’s purposes have been stingy[3] with my life adrift. Often sick, done with a scholar’s vestment[4], I will entrust my traveler’s tracks to seek mysteries. I will build my dwelling among elusive[5] immortals, dine as a wayfarer[6], the years looming precipitous. An envoy sought out Yan He, but the various lords disliked Mi Heng. I would hope for the weight of a single commitment, it will instantly make this heart devoted. You see one weeping at a dead end, Infantry[7] Commandant Ruan is right to worry. 单词释义 [1] remonstrator [ˈremənstreɪtə]n.提出异议的人; 忠告者; 有异议的人; 劝谏者; [2] remonstrance [rɪˈmɒnstrəns]n. 抗议; 抱怨; [3] stingy [ˈstɪndʒi] adj. 小气的; 吝啬的; [4] vestment [ˈvestmənt] n. (司祭在礼拜仪式上穿的) 祭衣,祭服; [5] elusive [iˈluːsɪv] adj. 难找的; 难以解释的; 难以达到的; [6] wayfarer [ˈweɪfeərə(r)] n. (徒步) 旅行者; [7] infantry [ˈɪnfəntri] n. (统称) 步兵; [8] commandant [ˈkɒməndænt] n. 司令; 指挥官;
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