Sir Shen Dongmei Has Been Made Vice-Director of the Catering[1] Bureau; Because of the Rain I Wasn’t Able to Gallop Off to Congratulate Him So I Respectfully Sent this Poem
Today many administrators in the Western Capital
were made vice-directors in the Ministry of Rites;
But for family friends across generations, there is only Shen,
who pays his respects to the emperor like Feng Tang.
All gentlemen ask him about poetry’s rules,
a scholar household, his strength is knowing the former histories.
In clear autumn it is fitting that he stay nights in the palace,
the constellation at once casts its glow.
I had no time to extend my felicitations,
I held back my feelings, my excitement in vain.
What can be compared to your charge?—
but the Catering[1] Bureau leaves me in silent sorrow.
For one poor and humble, politeness is abridged[2],
I was prevented by heavy rain from stopping by.
The courtesy due is with seniors of my father’s generation,
how could this commoner forget your kind grace?
A fine steed is led to Heaven’s roads,
a roof-beam is brought to Cloud Terrace.
In vain I harbor Lord Gong’s delight,
but wind-ruffled, the hair at my temples[3] is gray.
[1] catering [ˈkeɪtərɪŋ] n. (会议或社交活动的) 饮食服务,酒席承办;
[2] abridged [əˈbrɪdʒd] adj. (书或剧本) 节略的,删节的;
[3] temples [ˈtɛmplz] n. 太阳穴; 鬓角;