

2020-08-30    01'04''

主播: 丹尼老师

495 5

Sighing at the Autumn Rain II Ruinous winds, rains that lay things low, in autumn come in gusts, in the sea-girt world and eight wilds all lies under the same cloud-cover. Horses and oxen coming and going I can no longer tell apart; how is one to distinguish the muddy Jing and the clear Wei? Fungus[1] grows on the tops of grains, the ears of the millet are black; from farmers and field-workers there is no report. Within the city a peck of rice is exchanged for fine bedding; the bargain is struck and no one considers the relative cost of the two. 单词释义 [1] fungus [ˈfʌŋɡəs] n. 真菌(如蘑菇和霉); 霉; 霉菌;