

2020-10-26    02'31''

主播: 丹尼老师

110 0

Lament for the Prince Atop the walls of Chang’an, white-headed ravens by night flew crying out over Welcoming-Autumn Gate. They then went towards peoples’ homes and pecked on great roofs, successful officials under those roofs ran off fleeing the Hu. The gilded riding crop snapped, the nine horses died, he did not wait for his flesh and blood to gallop away with him. A precious jue ring at his waist of blue coral, a pitiable[1] young prince weeps at the roadside. Asked, he is unwilling to state his name, he says only that in his misery he begs to be my slave. Already for a hundred days he has hidden in thorns and brambles[2], nowhere on his body is the skin unmarred[3]. Gaozu’s descendants all have high-bridged noses, the dragon-spawn is naturally distinct from other men. Wolves and jackals[4] are in the city, the dragon is in the wilds, Prince, take good care of your body worth a thousand in gold. I dare not talk a long time right by the crossroads, but because of you, my prince, I will stand here a little while. Last night the east wind blew with the stench[5] of blood, camels coming from the east fill the former capital. Troopers[6] of the Northland, skilled and experienced, how bold and sharp they were before, now how inept they seem! I have heard that the Son of Heaven abdicated[7] the throne, Imperial Virtue made the Southern Khan to submit to us in the north. At Huamen they slashed their faces, seeking to expunge[8] this shame— take care not to divulge[9] this; others lie in ambush. Alas, my Prince, do not be careless— auspicious vapors of the Five Barrows are never absent. 单词释义 [1] pitiable [ˈpɪtiəbl] adj. 值得同情的; 可怜的; 卑鄙的; 卑劣的; [2] bramble [ˈbræmbl] n. 黑莓灌木; [3] unmarred [ʌnˈmɑːd] adj. 未破坏的; 未毁坏的; [4] jackal [ˈdʒækl] n. 豺; 胡狼; [5] stench [stentʃ] n. 臭气; 恶臭; [6] trooper [ˈtruːpə(r)] n. 坦克兵; 骑兵; [7] abdicate [ˈæbdɪkeɪt] v. 退位; 逊位; 失(职); 放弃(职责); [8] expunge [ɪkˈspʌndʒ] v. 抹去; 除去; 删去; [9] divulge [daɪˈvʌldʒ] v. 泄露,透露(秘密);
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