

2020-12-06    02'12''

主播: 丹尼老师

101 0

Jiucheng Palace I went into gray-green mountains a hundred leagues, the cliff was broken, like a mortar. This layered palace lies against whirling gusts, looming at the mouth of a hole in the earth. Gods were placed to support its rafters and beams, they bored into azure foliage[1] to open doors and windows. The sunlit southern slopes produce numinous[2] mushrooms; on shadowy north slope rest Oxherd and Dipper. Fanning out, tall pines hang inverted, jutting jagged, weird rocks rush. Mournful gibbons give a single cry, and the traveler’s tears gush in woods and bog. Ungoverned indeed—that Sui emperor, constructing this, now fallen and rotting. Had he then not caused his domain to be destroyed, how could it have become the possession of the mighty Tang? Even though there are no recent additions or repairs, they still assign an officer to guard it. Imperial expeditions went not so far as Alabaster Pool, his traces are here in the aftermath of carved walls. My travels belong to perilous times, I look up and gaze at this, sighing long. Our divine king holds a winter hunt on Mount Taibai, I halt my horse and still scratch my head. 单词释义 [1] foliage [ˈfəʊliɪdʒ] n. (植物的) 叶; 枝叶; [2] numinous [ˈnjuːmɪnəs] adj. 超自然的; 精神上的; 神圣的;
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