

2020-12-07    01'27''

主播: 丹尼老师

101 1

Yuhua Palace The stream valley turns, the wind steady in the pines, a gray rat scuttles[1] under ancient tiles. I know not what royal palace this was, Edifice[2] abandoned beneath the sheer cliff. In shadowy chambers ghost-fires are green, mournful rivulets[3] pour over broken roadways. The myriad vents are the true ocarinas[4], autumn colors are at their most brisk and aloof. Its fair women have become the brown earth, still more, their artifice[5] of powder and mascara[6]. Waiting on the golden carriage back then, of the former things there are only the stone horses. Cares come, I smooth down the grass and sit, sing out loud, tears filling my open hands. Going steadily on in my travels, none there is who can live long years. 单词释义 [1] scuttle [ˈskʌtl] v. 碎步疾跑; (故意) 破坏,阻止,阻挠; 凿沉(船); [2] edifice [ˈedɪfɪs] n. 大厦; 宏伟建筑; [3] rivulet [ˈrɪvjələt] n. 小河; 小溪; 溪流; 细流; [4] ocarinas [ˌɒkəˈriːnəz] n. 小鹅笛,球形笛(管身椭圆形); [5] artifice [ˈɑːtɪfɪs] n. 诡计; 奸计; [6] mascara [mæˈskɑːrə] n. 睫毛膏; 染睫毛油;
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