

2020-12-20    01'02''

主播: 丹尼老师

115 0

A Companion Piece For Drafter Jia Zhi’s “Dawn Court at Daming Palace” Night’s fifth watch, the water-clock’s sound speeds its morning marker, colors of spring in the ninefold palace make immortal peaches drunk. Sun warm on pennons and streamers, dragons and serpents stir, by palace halls the breeze is light, swallows and sparrows fly high. Dawn court done, the scented smoke you carry filling your sleeves, the poem finished, pearls and jade are right on your flourished brush. If you want to see generations in charge of lovely silken lines, to this day on the pool there is phoenix down.
上一期: 190腊日
下一期: 192宣政殿退朝晚出左掖