

2021-01-04    01'10''

主播: 丹尼老师

226 2

At Twisting River Facing the Rain Over city ramparts the spring clouds cover the park walls, at the river pavilion day’s darkening brings calm to the year’s flowering. Blooms of the grove[1], with rain adhering, are rouge[2] falling away; water poppies tugged by the breeze, are azure sashes long. With the Longwu Army, newly reformed, the Palanquin halts deep away, in the pleasure palace of Lotus Park incense is burned for nothing. When will he decree for this spot Golden Coin Parties, making fair women drunk for a while beside the brocaded zithers? 单词释义 [1] grove [ɡrəʊv] n. 树丛; 小树林; [2] rouge [ruːʒ] n. 胭脂;
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