

2021-01-05    00'57''

主播: 丹尼老师

225 3

Respectfully Answering What Was Sent by Cen Shen, Rectifier[1] of Omissions Secluded, the inner gates of the Forbidden City, dawn court over, we go off to different places. You follow in the entourage of the Vice-Director, I go off east of Sunsplendor Gate. Willow branches turn gradually emerald green, charming, the flower petals are red. My old friend has gotten fine lines, and sends them to this white-haired old man alone. 单词释义 [1]rectifier [ˈrektɪfaɪə] n. 改正者;矫正者
上一期: 203曲江对雨
下一期: 205奉赠王中允