

2020-10-19    05'26''

主播: 花花好多话

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#i2今日一句#日常用语篇 更多精彩内容,关注#i2全外教少儿英语教育#,免费领取有声双语启蒙学习礼包哦~ i2老师教你日常实用口语,我们来学习#孩子日常口语#的英语表达,本期主题——过马路: 过马路 Let's Cross the Road!   过马路要走斑马线,还要看红绿灯哦。 We should take the zebra crossing and look at the traffic lights to cross the road.   现在红灯,我们要等待哦。 Now it’s red, and we have to wait.   转绿灯了,妈妈我们过马路吧! I see the green light, let’s go Mom!   红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯等。 The red light means STOP. The green light means GO. and the yellow/amber light means WAIT or SLOW DOWN.   过马路时永远要左右看,确保安全。 Always look around when you cross to make sure you’re truly safe.   马路上千万不能打闹哦。 We must not play on the road.