Ani Castillo:曾经有社交焦虑症的我,通过乒与乓找回了生活的勇气

Ani Castillo:曾经有社交焦虑症的我,通过乒与乓找回了生活的勇气

2021-03-19    26'47''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

285 0

Ani Castillo是一位在墨西哥出生长大的漫画家,她移居加拿大后,由于难以适应陌生的环境与语言,有很长一段时间停止了她热爱的画画,躲在家里不与人来往,因为她担心别人会拒绝她、不喜欢她。有一天,Ani设想出了Ping的概念——在人生旅途中,我们只能‘乒’,我们无法决定别人会怎样‘乓’。在这期节目中,我们采访了Ani Castillo关于《Ping》这本绘本背后的故事,Ani还与我们分享了她认为家长可以怎样帮助孩子更好地在生活中勇敢地去‘乒’。 Ani Castillo is a cartoonist and children's book author and illustrator from Mexico. Her debut picture book Ping is about showing up and sharing ourselves with the world with the best of our intentions. In this episode, we talked to Ani about the story behind creating Ping. She shares with us how adults and children can all use the tool of ping to live and connect with others more courageously. 【嘉宾 Guest】 Ani Castillo 绘本著作 Books: Ping(中文译本:《乒:勇敢说出来》) 你可以在这里找到Storyland故事星球 Where to find us 官网: 微信服务号:Storyland故事星球服务号 (ID: iStoryland) 播客:各大声音平台或泛用型播客客户端搜索“Storyland故事星球”