

2014-08-23    48'15''

主播: 英语101

12825 544

Scene 1 -I totally dig your friend, Miranda. -You're kidding, that's great. -She is so sexy and smart. Did she tell you that we made out? Yeah, it was totally hot. -Why don't you call her? She would love that. -I did, like a hundred times. She won't return my calls. I don't know. Did she say anything about me? -No. -Maybe she's just busy. am I Not Cute enough for her? -Of course you are. You're adorable. -Well, I don't know, find out for me. I want to see if I still have a chance. -right now, in front Of you? -Go ahead, I can handle it. -Hi, this is Miranda, please leave me a message. Oh, it's her machine. -Hey, this is Skipper. I'm in the street with Carrie. I told her how you won't call me back. So now you have to call me back. You better call me back! No, I'm kidding. I'm joking. But seriously, I hope you call me back. Did I mention this was Skipper? Scene 2 -He's so beautiful that I find that sometimes I have to look away. -Do you see him? -right over there. -Where? -Oh, my God, look at him. He travels with his own personal lighting director. Derek, AKA ''The Bone'', was the biggest underwear model and Stanford's most important client, as well as the subject of his single-minded obsession. -Hey, Stanny. I’m Derek, I would like you to meet a very dear friend, Carrie Bradshaw. -Nice to meet you. -Carrie writes the column ''Sex And The City''. -Have you read it? -No. -Everybody's talking about you. You are so great. You're gonna be a star, have I told you that enough? You're a star! -Well, we better let you get dressed. -I am dressed. -We'll see you after the show. -Right. -Bye. -Can you believe anyone that beautiful can be that nice? I keep dreaming that someday he's gonna turn around and say, Stanford, I love you. -Is he gay? -He denies it. How could anyone that gorgeous be straight? Scene 3 It was Mr. Big, major tycoon, major dreamboat...and majorly out of my league. -I thought I saw you on the runway. -Hi. -I started reading your column after we met. -You did? -Yeah, cute. -"Cute." -Well...Yeah, cute. What are you writing about this week? -Well, I'm working on a story about...Men who date models. Any thoughts? -Only that they're very lucky. So what have you discovered about men who are dating models? -Well, I'm discovering that some of them treat it as a competitive sport, and others, I think, just need the validation. -And probably others have a thing for exceptionally beautiful women. -Exactly. -There's something wrong with that? -No, there's nothing wrong. I just think it might become a bit monotonous. Puff? -No, Thanks. So where do you write these stories? -My ''cute'' stories? -Have you got an office or anything? -No, half the time I'm at my apartment, and the other half I'm over this coffee shop on 73rd and Madison. -Oh, Carrie, I'd like you to meet Misha. -Oh, hi. you were great in The show. -Thank you. -It was nice talking to you. -See you around. I hope. Scene 4 -Shouldn't you be spending the night with some girl from the show? -No, I never date models. I think they're stupid. I wondered if there wasn't some kind of physics for beauty. Maybe two models repelled. Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans. -I think it's so cool that you write. -Thanks. -I wish I could write. I got all these intense thoughts, but I can't keep them in mind long enough to write them down on papers. -Well, That's the big trick. -The truth is I'm totally neurotic. One minute I'm walking down the street, totally cool, and the next minute I'm depressed for no reason. I'm totally self-conscious. Before I say something, I say it in my head first so it doesn't come out wrong. -Doesn’t that seems like a waste of time? -It Only takes a second. Sometimes I get So distracted. -What's distracting you now? -Your nose. -Thanks a lot. I hate My nose. -No, it's just so cute. I hate my nose, too. It's too big, but I think it depends on my hair.. -I see what you mean. -What do you want to be when you grow up? -Well, I think this might be it. What do you want to be? -I'd like to move back to lowa and have kids, and be a cop. I felt like when I was 16 in my bed and used to date a guy who was really beautiful while my parents thought I was helping him with his homework. -Do you mind if we just lie here? I get so lonely in the city. Sometimes it's just nice to lie with someone. -Sure. We could do that. It was hard to imagine that anyone so beautiful could ever be lonely.