

2015-02-05    31'20''

主播: 英语101

9531 371

-Well, I can't believe it. Same time, same place. Just you and me. -Well, sort of. Meet my friend, Jack. -Hi, how are you? -Marvelous. Going through My second divorce. The bitch is getting everything the first didn&`&t. There he was, right in the middle of my drink thing - Mr. Marvelous. -Jesus, look at that beautiful woman. I&`&m gonna go ask her to join us for dinner. Excuse me. -He called me, crying. Do you forgive me? -Here&`&s what. Why don&`&t you two have a guys night? You know, talk, cry, shoot bear. I&`&m way behind on my column anyway. Here. Next round on me. We&`&ll do our thing another time. -Sure? -Abso-fucking-lutely. I didn&`&t know what I was supposed to feel. Confused, sad, rejected? I decided to walk to clear my head. Also, I just left my cab fare on the table. So I walked. I walked 48 blocks in $400 shoes.