

2015-06-10    12'29''

主播: 英语101

5739 377

-Leonard:Hey, check it out, I got you a Batman cookie jar. -Sheldon:Oh, neat! What's the occasion? -Leonard:Well, you're a friend, and you like Batman. And cookies, and you're off the team. -Sheldon:What? -Leonard:Howard, Raj and I just had a team meeting. -Sheldon:No, you didn't. -Leonard:Yes, we did. I just came from there. -Sheldon:Okay, I don't know where you just came from, But it could not have been a team meeting Because I'm on the team and I wasn't there. Ergo, the team did not meet. -Leonard:Okay, let me try it this way: I was at a coffee klatch with a couple of friends, And one thing led to another, and it turns out you're off the team. -Sheldon:Why? -Leonard:Because you're taking all the fun out of it. -Sheldon:I'm sorry, is the winner of the Physics Bowl the team that has the most fun? -Leonard:Okay, let me try it this way: You're annoying and no one wants to play with you any more. -Sheldon:I see. Well, at this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team. And destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together, -Leonard:Thanks for the heads-up. -Sheldon:You're welcome.One more thing. -Leonard:Yes? -Sheldon:It's on, bitch. 背景知识 Ergo:因为、所以 Klatc:非正式的社交聚会,咖啡聚会