

2018-02-23    07'02''

主播: 英语101

7209 317

演讲内容 首先,我总是分享阿里巴巴成功的秘诀 First, I always share my secret sauce of the success of Alibaba. 阿里巴巴成功的秘诀 The secret sauce of Alibaba success 因为我们公司的员工中有近49%是女性 because we have almost 49% of the employees of the company are women. 阿里巴巴集团的高级管理层中有37%是女性 37% of the senior management of Alibaba group are women. 老实告诉你 Let me tell you. 我要感谢女性对我们的支持 I want to thank women to supporting us. 老实告诉你 Let me tell you. 如果你想让你的公司变得还行 If you want your company or organization to be OK, 就雇佣男性 hire men. 如果你想让你的公司变得很好 If you want your company to be good, 雇佣至少40%到50%的女性 hire at least 40 or 50 % of women. 如果你想让你的公司变得完美 If you want your company to be perfect, 你应该让男人和女人共同工作 you should make men and women working together. 这是三种方式 This is three ways. 我感觉那些有很多男性的公司 I feel a lot of companies have a lot of man. 那些公司还行 The companies are ok. 但没有什么很好的地方 There is nothing that is good, 但如果有公司很好 but a lot of companies are good, 它肯定有很多女性在里面 they must have a lot of women inside. 如果有公司很完美 If the company is perfect, 男人和女人和谐地一起工作 women and men work harmoniously. 对于我的公司来说,我想说的是什么改善了这一点 For my company, I would say that what improved 我们正在进入一个需要丰富经验的世界 We are entering a world with great experience. 客户需要丰富的经验 Customers need great experience. 女人比男人更细心 Woman has the best care heart than men. 女性需要照顾她们的丈夫、父母和孩子 Women care for their husband, parents and children. 我们看到女性去购物 We see that woman go shopping, 女性很常去购物 women go shopping a lot, 但她们不能只为自己买东西 but they could not only buy for themselves, 也要为丈夫、父母和孩子买东西 they buy for husband, parents and kids. 我们正在进入这个世界 We are entering into the world. 这不是依靠肌肉的竞争 It's not a competition of muscle, 这是依靠智慧的竞争 it's competition of wisdom. 这是依靠细心的竞争 It's competition of careness. 我非常相信,在21世纪 and I have a strong belief that in the 21st century, 如果我们有更多的女性领导人 if we have more women leaders, 这个世界将会更加和平而美好 this world would be much peaceful and wonderful. 我们应该有更多的年轻人给我们带来不同的想法 We should have more young people to bring us different ideas. 年轻人存在很多问题 Young people have problems, 告诉我,谁不存在问题 tell me, who has no problems. 在这个世界上,老一辈也存在问题 In this world, older people have the problems, 甚至比年轻人更加顽固 even much more stubborn than young people. 年轻人勇于接受改变 Young people embrace the change. 我们出现在互联网兴起的时候 See we are entering at the internet appearing. 秘书长说 Secretary General said, 这个世界上有18亿人是年轻人 1.8 billion people in this world are young people. 而今天在这个世界上有超过15亿人 And today in this world more than 1.5 billion people 在使用互联网 are using Internet. 他们呼吸、读书、吃饭、睡觉都与互联网在一起 They breath, they read, they eat, they sleep with the internet. 他们是未来的改革家 And they are the reformer of tomorrow. 他们至少在为未来而努力 They at least they're trying for the future. 至少他们能听到未来 At least they can hear the future. 他们能感受到未来 They feel the future. 我们不能 We don't. 所以很多人都试着用自己的经验来看待未来 So a lot of people try to see the future by their experience. 老实告诉你 Let me tell you, 你可能有过生活的经历 you may have experience of life, 但是你没有应对这种科技如此迅速变化的经验 but you don't have an experience for the technology that has changed so rapidly. 但年轻人有 And young people have. 所以请雇佣足够多的年轻人 So please hire enough young people 让你的公司充满希望 to make your company's full of hope. 请雇佣足够多的年轻人 Please hire enough young people 让你的公司不用担心未来 to make your company don't worry about the future. 请聘请足够多的女性 Please hire enough women 让你的公司变得完美 to make your company to be perfect.