【新鲜英语】再见,霍金 “My conquest is the sea of stars”

【新鲜英语】再见,霍金 “My conquest is the sea of stars”

2018-03-14    05'02''

主播: 英语101

2108 43

霍金的家人于14日早上宣布这一消息,他是在剑桥的家中去世的。 霍金的子女在声明中说: We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. 今天,亲爱的父亲去世了,我们感到万分悲痛。 He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humour inspired people across the world. 他是一个伟大的科学家,也是一个杰出的人。他的研究和遗产将影响后世。他的勇气和毅力,以及他出众的才华和幽默感影响了世界各地的人们。 He once said: "It would not be much of a universe if it wasn’t home to the people you love." We will miss him for ever. 他曾说:“如果宇宙不是你所爱的人的家,那宇宙就没有什么意义了。”我们会永远想念他。 霍金的著作中有一本叫作《果壳的宇宙》,这个书名源自于莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》台词: I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space. 即使被囚禁在果壳之中,我仍然自以为是无限空间之王。