绝望主妇精讲:“情敌” 英语怎么说

绝望主妇精讲:“情敌” 英语怎么说

2018-05-29    16'12''

主播: 英语101

4363 78

Mrs Huber: So, Susan. How are you? (opens up Susan's cookie jar and looks inside) Susan: I'm fine. Mrs Huber: Good. You know, I have a confession to make. I always wish I had been more supportive when Carl left you. Susan: Oh, you don't have to apologise about Carl. Really, Carl and I are over. I've moved on. Mrs Huber: Yes, I know. You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. He's quite a catch,isn't he? You like him, don't you? (Mrs Huber winks at Susan. Then goes into her cupboard to take out a plate.) Susan: Um, sure. As a friend. Mrs Huber: Oh, Susan, being coy is a strategy best employed by virgins at their first dance. For women of our age it's just annoying. (suddenly all nice again) are you sure you don't want pie? Susan: No. Thank you. Mrs Huber:I hope it works out with you and Mike, you've been so desperate to land him. Susan: WHAT? I am not desperate. Mrs Huber: Oh, lord! Susan, you burned you love rival's house down! If that isn't desperate I don't know what is.