绝望主妇 | 精讲第48期: 你完全信任保姆吗?

绝望主妇 | 精讲第48期: 你完全信任保姆吗?

2019-03-20    15'30''

主播: 英语101

8593 0

S01E10 Scene 1 Lynette: "You better finish those brussel sprouts. And don&`&t think I can&`&t see them hidden under your macaroni." Twin: "I hate brussel sprouts." Lynette: "Yeah? Well, brussel sprouts help you grow. You don&`&t want to be short your whole life, do you? Here, look, you know what we&`&ll do? We&`&re gonna dip them in a little cheese. Here you go. Good, yummy!" (He spits it out.) Lynette: "Fine, fine. Be three-foot-eight the rest of your life. See if I care. Good luck finding girlfriends!" (Claire walks in.) Claire: "Hey, didn&`&t you have a lunch today?" Lynette: "I&`&m going to cancel it. The boys are in rare form, and you&`&re still finding your way." Claire: "Lynette. It&`&s been two days." Lynette: "I...don&`&t want to...shock them, by suddenly disappearing. You know? Deep down, they&`&re very sensitive." Claire: "They&`&ll be fine. Now go. Get out of here." Lynette: "You have my cell phone number. You call me if you need anything." Claire: "I will." Scene 2 Lynette: "I wonder what&`&s going on over there. I mean, Claire did okay with the kids yesterday, but that could have been beginner&`&s luck. Do you think I should call? I should call!" Bree: "Lynette, for the first time in years you finally have some free time, and you&`&re wasting it obsessing about the kids." Lynette: "It&`&s just, I don&`&t know this woman, I mean, not really. So she has a degree in sociology. Well, big deal, who doesn&`&t? My boys are a lot to handle. What if she&`&s not up to it?" Bree: "You know, if you really have that many doubts, you should go buy a hidden camera." Lynette (laughing): "What, a nanny cam?" Bree: "Yeah. People do terrible things when they think no one is watching them." Lynette: "Yeah. I don&`&t really think I could videotape Claire. It would be a breach of trust." Bree: "Trust is overrated." Lynette: "So, how are things with you and Rex?" Bree: "Fine. Why do you ask?" Lynette: "Well, I&`&m just curious. I mean, he moves out, he moves back in. Is he back for good?" Bree: "Uh, the situation is, um, fluid. I&`&m not certain what his plans are yet." Lynette: "So if you&`&re not sure he&`&s back for good, why are you ironing his shirts?" Bree: "Because I have faith that he&`&ll come back. And that he&`&ll do the right thing." Lynette: "That&`&s good. It&`&s good to have faith in people." Bree: "Yeah. But I&`&d still buy that camera."