【老友记精讲】318:霸道总裁爱上我 go out with a millionaire

【老友记精讲】318:霸道总裁爱上我 go out with a millionaire

2019-04-06    14'36''

主播: 英语101

8573 1

Scene 1 Rachel: Hey Mon, let&`&s give Pete a chance. Come on, he was funny, he seems really nice, and that check thing was adorable. Chandler: What check thing? Monica: As a joke, this customer at work who has a crush on me gave me a $20,000 tip. Hisnumber is on the check, he just did it so I&`&d call. Chandler: Pete Becker. Pete.Is this him? Monica: That&`&s Bill Clinton. Chandler: Who&`&s he hugging? Monica: Oh my God! That&`&s Pete! Why why is Bill hugging Pete? Chandler: This guy invented Moss 865! Every office in the world uses that program! Rachel: We use it! ! There you go! Rachel: Oh my God, Monica&`&s gonna go out with a millionaire. Monica: I&`&m not gonna go out with him. Why not? ! He&`&s a millionaire! Monica: So? Oh my God, I can&`&t believe this is a real $20,000 check, oh this is just so exciting. Monica: Or incredibly offensive. Oh yeah, sure, that too. Scene 2 Monica: I mean, what&`&s what&`&s the deal? Are you, are you trying to buy me? Is this the way you get girls to go out with you? Pete: You&`&re taking this all wrong. Because, if I didn&`&t leave you that tip, you wouldn&`&t&`&ve come down here, we wouldn&`&t be having this argument, and there wouldn&`&t be this ah, heat between us. Monica: What?! Pete: Come on, you gotta uh admit that our relationship is ah, is hitting a new level now.&`&Cause you used to be like the chef, and I was the customer, and now we&`&re like this this couple that fights. Monica: Ok, umm, you&`&re a loon. Pete: Look, forget the check, ok? I like you. I think you&`&re great. Come on, what do you say? Monica: I don&`&t know now. Pete: Why not? Monica:&`&Cause I don&`&t wanna encourage this kind of behavior. Pete: One meal! That&`&s all I&`&m asking for. Please? We go out, we eat, and if you don&`&t have a good time, I give you ten grand, we call it even.