Hello there,
are you open?
We’d like to order dinner.
Yes sir!
Come this way, please.
Our menu is a winner.
“I don’t mean to be picky,
but that chicken’s kind of blue.”
“It’s fine a month ago.
You say that it won’t do?”
Did you ask to try the salad?
Let’s leave it to the slugs.
“This bread smells dreadful!”
“That cheese is full of bugs!”
What on earth is this, then?
Looks like a can of worms.
Yuck! Put it down!
Do worms have germs?
“These apricots are ancient!”
“Those pears are hairy!”
How old are those cookies?
That cake looks scary!
Did I hear you shrieking?
We don’t mean to cause you grief.
“There’s a human diner right next door.”
Ooh, what a relief!