以上这段文字,来自一本名叫《用系统来工作》(Work the system)的书,书的作者名叫萨姆·卡彭特,是个美国人,喜欢摇滚,创过业,离过婚。最惨的时候和两个孩子住在办公室的办公桌下面,一天只有3小时的睡眠。目前他是一家公司的大Boss,一周只需要工作两个小时,其余的时间就尽情做自己想做的事情。他把自己如何从屌丝逆袭的经验和经历写成了一本书,就是这本《用系统来工作》。这期播客,咱们来聊聊他的这本书和他的故事。
Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger are the best rock singers in our time. They have a lot of common things: talent, unique and shinning. And they are opposite to each other: Morrison's career only lasted 4 years and died young, Jagger's career lasting for 50 years and he has full control of the the band's and his life. He's the master of system managing. I'd like to talk something about a book in this episode: Work the system, by Sam Carpenter. The story of Morrison and Jagger just come from this book. Sam told us the magical power of systematic mind.
* [《用系统来工作》](http://book.douban.com/subject/25894706/)
* [史蒂芬·柯维的《高效能人士的七个习惯》](http://book.douban.com/subject/1048007/)