388 / 创意行业必备的“成长式思维” - THE GROWTH MINDSET

388 / 创意行业必备的“成长式思维” - THE GROWTH MINDSET

2021-05-18    11'14''

主播: i大狗熊

408 6

为什么说“成长式思维”是创意行业必备的工具?- Why a Growth Mindset is Essential? 在《心态》(Mindset)这本书里,作者Carol Dweck博士首次使用了“固定式思维”与“成长式思维”这两个概念。对于创意行业的工作者来说,成长式思维是一项必须具备的能力,但其实大多数人,默认的思维方式还是属于“固定式”的。如何能让自己具备成长式思维呢? In the book Mindset, Dr. Carol Dweck shows the importance of a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Why is a growth mindset essential for UX designers? As a UX designer, you should be bold enough to admit things you don't know and believe you can find the proper solution for the problem you are working at. In another way, the UX discovery stage for designers is a trial-and-fail process, which requires a growth mindset so you can reflect on what you've learned and adapted it to your design.