389 / 借来的书,阅读时如何做笔记?- HOW TO TAKE NOTES ON BORROWED BOOK

389 / 借来的书,阅读时如何做笔记?- HOW TO TAKE NOTES ON BORROWED BOOK

2021-05-18    10'41''

主播: i大狗熊

464 3

注意:本期节目为全英文,在大狗熊的另一档专门针对英文听众的频道:Bear Academy首发。如果您对设计、职场、效率提升的英文内容感兴趣,请订阅我的播客“Bear Academy”或关注我的YouTube频道(BearTalk)。 如果你有收听我以前关于读书的节目,那么你可能已经了解了读书做笔记的重要性。但有的书,我们不能直接在上面写写划划 - 比如图书馆借的书,或是问朋友借的书,都无法直接在上面书写。怎么办?这期节目,大狗熊和你分享一招,可以让我们很自然地在借来的书上做笔记,不用担心损坏书籍,还更利于之后对于笔记的使用与整理! You borrowed a book from library or from your friend. When reading it, you found it was so good that you want to take notes. But how to take notes from borrowed books? You can't write or doodle on the book, it's not yours. Here's an easy, flexible and productive way to take notes from a book you borrowed, without damaging the book for sure!