英语口语天天练(184) - What did you think of Italy?你对意大利什么印象?

英语口语天天练(184) - What did you think of Italy?你对意大利什么印象?

2018-06-04    02'50''

主播: 老虎工作室

5920 77

英语口语天天练(184)-What did you think of Italy?你对意大利什么印象? 旅游越来越受到大家的喜爱,只要有时间有条件大家都愿意投入精力时间出去走走,对于一些比较远的的旅游目的地,如果身边有朋友去过那最好了,搬个小凳子去聊个十块钱的,比一个人闷头做攻略有意思得多呢?What did you think of Italy?你对意大利什么印象?这句话你只需要把Italy替换成你想问的国家、地名就可以啦! What /wɑːt/ did /dɪd/ you /juː/ think /θɪŋk/ of /əv/ Italy /ˈɪt̬.əl.i/ -What did you think of Italy? -The people were so passionate and friendly. -And the food? -The food was full of local flavor.