And as she was so beautiful the huntsman had pity on her and said, “Run away, then, you poor child." The wild beasts will soon have devoured you," thought he, and yet it seemed as if a stone had been rolled from his heart since it was no longer needful for him to kill her. And as a young boar just then came running by he stabbed it, and cut out its lung and liver and took them to the Queen as proof that the child was dead. The cook had to salt them, and the wicked Queen ate them, and thought she had eaten the lung and liver of Snow-white.
But now the poor child was all alone in the great forest, and so terrified that she looked at every leaf of every tree, and did not know what to do. Then she began to run, and ran over sharp stones and through thorns, and the wild beasts ran past her, but did her no harm.
She ran as long as her feet would go until it was almost evening; then she saw a little cottage and went into it to rest herself. Everything in the cottage was small, but neater and cleaner than can be told. There was a table on which was a white cover, and seven little plates, and on each plate a little spoon; moreover, there were seven little knives and forks, and seven little mugs. Against the wall stood seven little beds side by side, and covered with snow-white counterpanes.
Little Snow-white was so hungry and thirsty that she ate some vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine out of each mug, for she did not wish to take all from one only. Then, as she was so tired, she laid herself down on one of the little beds. but none of them suited her; one was too long. another too short, but at last she found that the seventh one was right. and so she remained in it. said a prayer and went to sleep.
When it was quite dark the owners or the cottage came back; they were seven dwarfs who dug and delved in the mountains for ore. They lit their seven candles, and as it was now light within the cottage they saw that someone had been there, for everything was not in the same order in which they had left it.
The first said, "Who has been sitting on my chair?"
The second, "Who has been eating off my plate?"
The third, "Who has been taking some of my bread?"
The fourth, "Who has been eating my vegetables?"
The fifth, "Who has been using my fork?"
The sixth, "Who has been cutting with my knife?"
The seventh, "Who has been drinking out of my mug?"
第一个小矮人问: “谁坐过我的椅子?”
第二个问: “谁吃过我盘子里的东西?”
第三个问: “谁把我的面包吃了一点儿?”
第四个问: “谁吃过我的蔬菜?”
第五个问: “谁用过我的叉子?”
第六个问: “谁用过我的小刀?”
第七个问: “谁喝过我的葡萄酒?”
Then the first looked round and saw that there was a little hole on his bed, and he said, "Who has been getting into my bed?" The others came up and each called out, "Somebody has been lying in my bed too." But the seventh when he looked at his bed saw little Snow-white, who was lying asleep therein. And he called the others. who came running up, and they cried out with astonishment, and brought their seven little candles and let the light fall on little Snow-white. "Oh, heavens! oh, heavens!" cried they, what a lovely child!" and they were so glad that they did not wake her up, but let her sleep on in the bed. And the seventh dwarf slept with his companions, one hour with each, and so got through the night.
第一个小矮人朝四周看了看,发现自己的床铺上陷下去一小块儿,又说: “是谁在我的床上躺过?”其余的一听都跑过来,紧跟着他们也都惊呼道:“也有人在我的床上躺过。”第七个矮人看到白雪公主躺在自己的床上,立刻把他的兄弟们都叫了过来。他们惊讶地叫出声来,赶紧拿来七盏小灯,好把她看清楚些。“噢,我的天!噢,我的天!多么漂亮的孩子呀!”他们高兴极了,生怕将她吵醒了。晚上,第七个小矮人轮着和其他的几个小矮人每人睡一个小时,度过了这个夜晚。