

2017-08-13    07'24''

主播: 若雪明

1580 14

As they crossed the heath again on their way home they surprised the dwarf, who had emptied out his bag of precious stones in a clean spot, and had not thought that anyone would come there so late. The evening sun shone upon the brilliant stones; they glittered and sparkled with all colors so beautifully that the children stood still and looked at them. "Why do you stand gaping there?" cried the dwarf, and his ashen-gray face became copper-red with rage. He was going on with his bad words when a loud growling was heard, and a black bear came trotting towards them out of the forest. The dwarf sprang up in a fright, but he could not get to his cave, for the bear was already close. Then in the dread of his heart he cried, "Dear Mr. Bear, spare me, I will give you all my treasures; look, the beautiful jewels lying there! Grant me my life; what do you want with such a slender little fellow as I? you would not feel me between your teeth. Come, take these two wicked girls, they are tender morsels for you, fat as young quails; for mercy's sake eat them!" The bear took no heed of his words, but gave the wicked creature a single blow with his paw, and he did not move again. 回来时,她们又途经那片荒地,看到小矮人正往空地上倒装在袋子里的宝石,他没想到这么晚居然还会有人来,吓了一跳。晚霞照在闪闪发光的宝石上,七彩斑烂,璀璨夺目,孩子们都看呆了,“你们傻呆呆地站在那里干什么?”小矮人吼道,他那死灰色的脸被气得变成了朱红色。就在他不停地咒骂的时候,忽然传来一声咆哮,一头黑熊从森林里蹿了出来。小矮人吓了一跳,还没来得及逃回洞中,熊已经来到了他身边。小矮人心惊胆颤地苦苦哀求道:“亲爱的熊先生,你饶了我吧!我把所有的财宝都给你,看看地上这些漂亮的宝石。饶我一命吧!你吃我这弱不经风的瘦骨头有啥意思啊,还不够你塞牙缝的!去抓住那两个可恶的丫头吧,看她们俩肥的像两只小鹌鹑,够你好好吃一顿的!”熊才不听他那一套呢,劈手一学就把这可恶的家伙击倒在地,打得他不再动弹了。 The girls had run away, but the bear called to them, “Snow-white and Rose-red, do not be afraid; wait, I will come with you." Then they knew his voice and waited, and when he came up to them suddenly his bearskin fell off, and he stood there, a handsome man, clothed all in gold.“I am a King's son," he said, "and I was bewitched by that wicked dwarf, who had stolen my treasures; I have had to run about the forest as a savage bear until I was freed by his death. Now he has got his well-deserved punishment." 姐妹俩见状撒腿就逃,却听到熊在后面喊她们:“白雪、红玫,别害怕,等一下,我和你们一起走。”这时她们听出了熊的声音,停下了脚步。当熊走到她们身边时,熊皮突然脱落了,站在她们面前的是一位英俊的青年,浑身上下的衣服都是金子做的。“我是一位王子,”他说,“邪恶的小矮人偷走了我的珠宝,并向我施了巫术,把我变成了一头野熊,整天在森林里跑。只有把他杀死,我才能得救。现在他已经得到了应有的惩罚。” Snow-white was married to him, and Rose-red to his brother, and they divided between them the great treasure which the dwarf had gathered together in his cave. The old mother lived peacefully and happily with her children for many years. She took the two rose-trees with her, and they stood before her window, and every year bore the most beautiful roses, white and red. 白雪和王子结了婚,红玫则嫁给了王子的弟弟。他们平分了小矮人聚集在洞中的大量财宝。老母亲呢,则跟她们一起平安幸福地生活了许多年。她把那两株玫瑰也带到了宫中,种在了她的窗前,每年它们都会开放出美丽无比的花朵,一株开白花,一株开红花。