

2018-03-17    13'37''

主播: 若雪明

90 2

Near to the farmhouse stood a large haystack, and between it and the house was a small shed, with a thatched roof. 农舍旁边有一大座干草堆,干草堆与农舍之间有一间棚子,棚顶盖着茅草。 “I can lie up there,” said Little Claus, as he saw the roof; “it will make a famous bed, but I hope the stork will not fly down and bite my legs;” for on it stood a living stork, whose nest was in the roof. “我可以躺在那上面,”小克劳斯看到屋顶说道,“这会是张不错的床。不过但愿那只鹤鸟不会飞下来啄我的腿。” 因为一只活生生的鹳鸟正站在屋顶,它的窝在那儿。 So Little Claus climbed to the roof of the shed, and while he turned himself to get comfortable, he discovered that the wooden shutters, which were closed, did not reach to the tops of the windows of the farmhouse, so that he could see into a room, in which a large table was laid out with wine, roast meat, and a splendid fish. The farmer&`&s wife and the sexton were sitting at the table together; and she filled his glass, and helped him plenteously to fish, which appeared to be his favorite dish. 于是小克劳斯爬到了棚子顶上,正当他翻着身,想找个舒服的姿势时,他发现合着的木制百叶窗并没有遮住农 舍窗户的顶部,这样他可以看到屋里。屋内的一张大桌子上摆着酒、烤肉和美味的鱼。农夫的妻子和教堂司事一起 就坐于桌旁。她给他斟酒,帮他夹了很多鱼,这似乎是他最爱吃的菜。 “If I could only get some, too,” thought Little Claus; and then, as he stretched his neck towards the window he spied a large, beautiful pie,—indeed they had a glorious feast before them. “要是我也能吃点就好了,”小克劳斯心想。接着他把脖子往窗户那边探了探,他看到了一块漂亮的大馅饼——他们面前真是一顿盛宴啊!    At this moment he heard some one riding down the road, towards the farmhouse. It was the farmer returning home. 这时,他听到有人沿着大路骑马朝农舍而来。是农夫回来了。 He was a good man, but still he had a very strange prejudice,—he could not bear the sight of a sexton. If one appeared before him, he would put himself in a terrible rage. In consequence of this dislike, the sexton had gone to visit the farmer&`&s wife during her husband&`&s absence from home, and the good woman had placed before him the best she had in the house to eat. When she heard the farmer coming she was frightened, and begged the sexton to hide himself in a large empty chest that stood in the room. He did so, for he knew her husband could not endure the sight of a sexton. The woman then quickly put away the wine, and hid all the rest of the nice things in the oven; for if her husband had seen them he would have asked what they were brought out for. 他是个好人,但有个非常奇怪的偏见——就是见不得教堂司事。要是有一个教堂司事出现在他眼前,他就会大发雷霆。鉴于此,教堂司事才会趁农夫不在家时来拜访他的妻子。于是这位善良的女人便把家里最好的食物拿来款待教堂司事。一听到农夫回来了,她吓坏了,恳求教堂司事躲到屋里的一个大空箱子中。他照做了,因为他知道这位丈夫见不得教堂司事。女人赶忙收起了酒,剩下的好东西也都藏到灶里。因为农夫要是看见了,肯定会问这些东西为什么会被端出来。   “Oh, dear,” sighed Little Claus from the top of the shed, as he saw all the good things disappear. “哦,天哪!”看到所有好吃的被收起来,屋顶的小克劳斯叹了口气。   “Is any one up there?” asked the farmer, looking up and discovering Little Claus. “Why are you lying up there? Come down, and come into the house with me.” “上边有人么?”农夫问。他抬头看到了小克劳斯。“你干嘛躺在那儿?下来跟我进屋吧。” So Little Claus came down and told the farmer how he had lost his way and begged for a nights&`& lodging. 于是小克劳斯便下来,告诉农夫自己是如何迷了路.请求借宿一晚。   “All right,” said the farmer; “but we must have something to eat first.” “好吧,”农夫说, “不过我们先得吃点东西。”   The woman received them both very kindly, laid the cloth on a large table, and placed before them a dish of porridge. The farmer was very hungry, and ate his porridge with a good appetite, but Little Claus could not help thinking of the nice roast meat, fish and pies, which he knew were in the oven. 女人很亲切地接待了他俩,将桌布铺在一张大桌子上,给他们上了一大碗粥。农夫饿坏了,津津有味地吃了粥。可小克劳斯不禁想起了那美味的烤肉、鱼和馅饼,他知道这些东西就在灶里。 Under the table, at his feet, lay the sack containing the horse&`&s skin, which he intended to sell at the next town. Now Little Claus did not relish the porridge at all, so he trod with his foot on the sack under the table, and the dry skin squeaked quite loud. 桌子下面,装着马皮的袋子就放在他的脚边,这是他打算拿到邻镇去卖的。这会儿,小克劳斯一点都吃不下粥,于是他用脚踩了踩桌下的袋子,踩得那张干皮吱吱作响,声音很大。 “Hush!” said Little Claus to his sack, at the same time treading upon it again, till it squeaked louder than before. “嘘,”小克劳斯冲着袋子说.同时又踩了踩,踩得声音更大了。   “Hallo! what have you got in your sack!” asked the farmer. “喂,你袋子里是什么?”农夫问。   “Oh, it is a conjuror,” said Little Claus; “and he says we need not eat porridge, for he has conjured the oven full of roast meat, fish, and pie.” ”哦,是个魔术师.”小克劳斯回答,他说我们不用喝粥了.因为他已变了满满一灶子的烤肉、鱼和馅饼。   “Wonderful!” cried the farmer, starting up and opening the oven door; and there lay all the nice things hidden by the farmer`s wife, but which he supposed had been conjured there by the wizard under the table. The woman dared not say anything; so she placed the things before them, and they both ate of the fish, the meat, and the pastry. “棒极了!”农夫喊道,赶忙起身打开灶门,不过农夫认为这是桌子底下的术士变出来的。农夫的妻子藏的所有美味都摆在那儿。女人什么也不敢说,只得把东西端上来。于是他们都吃上了鱼、肉和馅饼。