一诗一信 | 雪人 · 陈树,洋子

一诗一信 | 雪人 · 陈树,洋子

2018-05-03    04'16''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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一诗一信 | 雪人·陈树,洋子 主播:陈树(中),洋子(英) The Snow Man 雪人 作者:Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winter 人必须去怀有冬日的心境 To regard the frost and the boughs 才能去看霜,看那松树上 Of the pine-trees crusted with snow 挂满雪冰的树枝 And have been cold a long time 人必须长期饱受寒冷 To behold the junipers shagged with ice 才能欣赏披着冰雪般发丝的杜松 The spruces rough in the distant glitter 才能领悟远处粗硬的云杉 Of the January sun; and not to think 在一月阳光下的闪烁;他才能不去想 Of any misery in the sound of the wind 那蕴含于风的呼啸声 In the sound of a few leaves 和树叶的飘零中的那份凄凉 Which is the sound of the land 那是大地的声音 Full of the same wind 大地刮起同样的风 That is blowing in the same bare place 在同一个荒野上吹拂 For the listener, who listens in the snow 那风为雪中的聆听者所刮 And, nothing himself, beholds 他自身虚无,看不见 Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is 那些不存在的,却看见存在的虚无 主播;陈树,洋子,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有