英语极客上课群8  12.27录音+笔记

英语极客上课群8 12.27录音+笔记

2016-12-28    32'07''

主播: 英语极客

91 13

音变规则 升调,表示不确定,话没有说完,或者礼貌,经常用于以下几类句型中: (1) 一般疑问句 Is he coming tonight? Have you got the ticket? (2) 反问句 You are definitely coming? You like it? (3) 表示安慰或者鼓励 Come with us. (4) 重复 When did you come ? 用降调表示完结的情况 (1) 陈述句 You came on Tuesday. I’d like some tea. (2) 特殊疑问句 When did you come? What’s the time ? (3) 带命令口吻的祈使句 Put it over Go and find it (4) 感叹句 What an awful film that was! 如果要表示说话人改变主意,或者言外之意,就可以让降升调大显身手了: (1)含有对比的陈述句 You can come on Tuesday but not Monday. He doesnt want it but his brother may. (2 ) 含有保留意见的陈述句 I know his face. I like the colour of your dress. (3) 否定或者矛盾 I cant do it .You can. (4) 警告 Be careful.Don’t be late.