

2017-08-01    03'05''

主播: 20170316154810181

217 10

微信:meiguolaolu("美国老卢"的拼音,验证码:荔枝) 公众号:老卢学堂 Cold / chilly / freezing These are different ways to say the temperature is low. Cold is the normal word. But in Spring, when it’s warm outside in the daytime, but a little bit cold in the evening, we call it chilly. Chilly is a negative word, “cool” is a positive word. Examples: “It’s chilly outside, you should wear a sweater!” “Oh my God it is hot outside! Let’s go somewhere inside where it’s cool!” Use the word freezing when you want to show that it is really very cold. Example: “Did you see the news? It’s freezing in Beijing! Maybe we should go to Guangzhou.”