Book 书
We all enjoy reading good books. Some books are so interesting that you find it hard to lay them down until you come to the final page. Good books usually have a good sale. Some of them sell in very large numbers. They are called best-sellers.
Many parents understand their children completely. They know what their children will think or do at any time. We can say “they read their children like a book. ”
If you are in somebody's good books, he is pleased with you. If you are in his bad books, he is annoyed with you. Now you can see the phrase “be in somebody's good(bad )books means “have (not have )his favour or approval .”
如果你in somebody‘s good books,他和你相处愉快。如果你in somebody's in his bad books,他对你感到厌烦。现在你会晓得in somebody’s good (bad) books的意思是得到(得不到)某人的欢心或赞同。