

2019-09-19    07'18''

主播: 谢子善

83 4

New Words 1. duаl а. hаvіng twо раrtѕ оr аѕресtѕ; dоublе 2. exit v. go out; leave 3. complementation n. something that goes well or suitably with sth.else, or makes it complete 4. equilibrium n. a state of balance 5. alternation n. occurrence or appearance one after another; arrangement by turns 6. іntеrdереndеnсе n. dереndіng оn еасh оthеr 7. dissociation n. separation ( people or things) in one thoughts or feelings 8. depletion n. depleting or being depleted 9. essence n. that which makes a thing what it is; most important or indispensable quality of sth. 10. Wax n. &vi. increase in power, strength, importance, etc. 11. wane n. &vi. decrease in power, strength, importance, etc. 12. isolation n. separating , putting or keeping apart from others 1З. реrmеаtе v. еntеr ѕоmеthіng аnd ѕрrеаd tо еvеrу раrt 14. gallbladder n. an organ attached to the liver that stores and releases bile 15. physique n. structure and development of the body体格;身体的构造与发育 16. differentiate see or show ( two things) to be different; show something to be different ( from something else) 看出或指出(两者)不同;辨别;区别;区分 17. medicinal a. having healing properties; ( used for ) healing有药性的;(用作)治疗的 18. preponderance n. something that is greater in influence, importance , quantity, etc. (影响力、重要性、数量等方面)处于上风;占优势 19. acrid a. having a strongly bitter smell or taste 辛辣的