

2019-09-18    11'44''

主播: 谢子善

117 5

Language Points 1. The theoretical system of TCM has evolved in the long course of clinical practice under the guidance of classic Chinese materialism and dialectics.中医学的理论体系是经过长期的临床实践,在唯物论和辩证法思想指导下,逐步形成的。 2. It has originated from practice and, in turn, guides the practice.它(中医学的理论体系)来源于实践,反过来指导实践。 3. The concept of holism a reflection of classic Chinese materialism and dialectics in TCM,emphasizing the integrity of the human body and the unity between the body and the internalenvironment.这一独特理论体系是中国古代唯物论和辩证法在中医学上的反应,它强调人体的整体性及其与外部环境的统一性。 4. The unity of the body is realized through the five zang organs, with the assistance of the six fu-organs and the communication of the meridian system.机体整体统一性是以五脏为中心,以心为主宰,配以六腑,经络系统的联络作用而实现的。 5. The heart opens into the tongue and is internal-externally related with the small intestine. So oral erosion ( ulcerative stomatitis) may be clinically treated by clearing away the fire fromthe heart or small intestine. 心开窍于舌,心与小肠相表里,所以可用清心火或泻小肠火的方法治疗口舌糜烂。 6.“drawing yin from yang and drawing yang from yin; treating the right for curing disease on the left, treating the left for curing disease on the right" ;“needling the acupoints on thelower part of the body for the treatment of the disease on the upper part, and needling theacupoints on the upper part of the body for the treatment of the disease on the lower part."“从阳引阴,从阴引阳;以右治左,以左治右”;“病在上者下取之,病在下者高取之”。 7. Man lives in the natural world and the natural world provides man with all the necessities to his existence.人类生活在自然界中,自然界提供给人类赖以生存的必要条件。 8. Under the influence of such changes , the living things on the earth will also change to adapt to environmental variation, such as sprouting in spring, growing in summer, alteration in late summer, ripeness in autumn and storage in winter.生物在这种(气候)变化的影响下,就会有春生、夏长、长夏化、秋收、冬藏等适应性的变化。 9. In this way the body keeps its balance of water metabolism and avoids over consumption of yangqi.这样,机体保持自身的水液代谢平衡,并避免阳气过度消耗。 10. Man can not only actively adapt to the changes in nature ,but also strive to remould nature.人类不但能主动地适应自然,而且能主动地改造自然。 11. Syndrome is the generalization of a disease at a certain stage in its course of development.证是机体在疾病发展过程中的某--阶段的病理概括。 12. Since it involves the location, cause and nature of the disease, and the relation between pathogenic factors and healthy qi, syndrome can comprehensively and accurately reveal thenatureofthedisease.由于证包括了病变的部位、原因性质,以及邪正关系,因而它能更全面、更正确地揭示疾病的本质。 13. TCM emphasizes the differentiation of syndrome, because only when the syndrome is accurately differentiated can a correct treatment be made.中医强调辨证,因为只有准确辨证,才能正确治疗。 14. common cold due to wind-cold and common cold due to wind-heat.风寒感冒和风热感冒。 15. herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature辛温中(草)药。 16. herbs pungent in taste and cool in nature辛凉中(草)药。 17. treating the same disease with different therapies 同病异治。 18. treating different diseases with the same therapy异病同治。 19. Such a therapeutic principle is the gist of treatment based on syndrome differentiation.这一治疗原则就是辨证论治的精神实质。