

2019-09-22    11'06''

主播: 谢子善

86 4

New Words 1. innate adj. possessed at birth; inborn 2. inherit n. to receive or take over from a predecessor. 3. acquired a.gained by or as result of efforts or experience , developed after birth,opposed to congenital. 4. inhale v. to draw ( air or smoke, for example) into the lungs by breathing; inspire 5. excretion n. action of excreting; that which is excreted 6. consolidate v. ( cause something) to become more solid, secure, or strong 7. interstice adj. a space, especially a small or narrow one, between things or parts 8. extravasation n. an extravasated fluid or a deposit formed from extravasation 9. saliva n. the watery mixture of secretions from the salivary and oral mucous glands that lubricates chewed food, moistens the oral walls , and contains ptyalin. 10. gastric adj. of, relating to situated near, or originating in the stomach 11. juice n. liquid in the stomach or another part of the body that helps somebody digest food 12. intestinal adj. of or relating to the intestine 13. sperm n. male reproductive cell able to fertilize a female ovum 14. metabolism n. the complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life 15. feces n. waste matter eliminated from the bowels; excrement 16. secreta n. (pl) products of secretion 17. tendon n. a band of tough , inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment 18. ruddy adj. having a healthy, reddish color 19. lustrous adj. having a sheen or glow. 20. nimble n. quick, light, or agile in movement or action; 21. flexible adj. capable of being bent or flexed; 22. orifice n. an opening , especially to a cavity or passage of the body; a mouth or vent 23. penetrate v. to enter or force a way into; pierce 24. neutralize v. to make ( a solution) neutral