摘要:“阴阳交” 出自《黄帝内经》,后世医家多方解读,但始终无法提出有效方剂以指导临床,文章旨在阐释“阴阳交”理论发展与临床运用之间的脉络联系,发挥其指导临床的实际效果。从理论与临床双视角,对于大量古今文献进行研究。“阴阳交” 理论不断发展,以“阴交”“阳交” 的概念指导临床,发展出“主客交“主客交浑” 等新理论,提出了升降散、三甲散等系列有效方剂。 这种病理模型以及相关方剂,对于中医临床防治感染性疾病以及各科杂病具有重要价值。
New interpretation of the theory of 'yin yang jiao’
Abstract: Objective: The theory of 'yin yang jiao' comes from Huangdi Neijing. Although later doctors have done a lot of explanations. they are always unable to propose effective prescription to guide clinical treatment. This article aimed to explain the relationship between the theory development of 'yin yang jiao' and its clinical application, and to play its guiding effect of clinical practice. A large number of ancient and modern literature were studied from the theoretical and clinical perspective.The theory of 'yin yang jiao' continues to develop, and the theories of 'yin jiao' and 'yang jiao' were used to guide the clinical treatment. The new theories such as 'zhu ke jiao' and 'zhu ke jiao hun' had been put forward, and a series of effective prescriptions such as Shengjiang Powder and Sanjia Powder had been proposed. This pathological model and related prescriptions had great value for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and difficult miscellaneous diseases.