EMF9.16What is an International Baccalaureate Education✒️

EMF9.16What is an International Baccalaureate Education✒️

2018-09-16    01'32''

主播: Vivian💗

172 1

The International Baccalaureate means learning for life, a type of education that is going to create global citizens. Children that as they become adults are going to take leading roles in the way that the world will go forward. The Primary Years Program is very special, (and) that is enquiry based. "Enquiry based" means allowing the learner to actually want to learn. The learner becomes responsible for his or her own learning. So, it's not what the teacher wants me to do, it's not what my parents want me to do, it's what I want to do. We don't have textbooks in this sort of traditional sense. A lot of the learning comes from questions that the children have based on a central idea. So, if we were studying about machines, we might be looking at how machines make lives easier or more effective. Taking responsibility for your own learning means you work hard for it, you research, you find out, and you act or react accordingly. The learning that happens to you becomes part of you. I give the children very open-ended tasks and watch them engage in conversations with each other and how they work cooperatively to find the answer and construct knowledge for themselves. Being thinkers, enquirers, risk takers, communicators, caring, reflective... all of these are aspects of the learner profile.