EMF9.17San Shu Liu Li 喜❤️喜

EMF9.17San Shu Liu Li 喜❤️喜

2018-09-17    01'12''

主播: Vivian💗

174 1

Chinese people say “San Shu Liu Li”, which means Three Letters & Six Etiquette(s), basically referring to the necessary steps people follow in traditional Chinese weddings. First Etiquette: Na Cai (纳彩). This is basically the proposal. Back in the day, when a boy or girl is at the proper age to get married, his or her family will go through a Mei Ren, a matchmaker, to negotiate. If both families agree, they will move to the next etiquette, which is Wen Ming (问名), Birth Date Matching. If they do match, the third etiquette is Na Ji (纳吉). The groom will confirm the marriage by giving the bride’s family the first letter Pin Shu (聘书), the Betrothal Letter. The next etiquette is Na Zheng (纳征), more well-known as Guo Da Li (过大礼), which is presenting the Wedding Gifts. In this step, the groom’s family will send all the gifts to the bride’s home with everything listed on the second letter Li Shu (礼书), the Gift Letter. The fifth etiquette is called Qing Qi (请期), Arranging the Marriage. The two families will arrange a wedding date according to Tung Shing (通胜) for an auspicious date. And finally the last etiquette Qin Ying (亲迎) or Ying Qin, the Wedding Ceremony. The broom will come to the bride’s family to give them the last letter Ying Shu (迎书), the Wedding Letter. 中国人说的“三书六礼”,意思就是三封信和六个礼仪,基本上指的是在中国传统婚礼中人们必须要遵循的流程。 第一个礼仪:“纳彩”。基本上指的是提亲。在过去,当一名男子或女子到了该结婚的年龄,他或她的家人会通过媒人来商议。 如果双方家庭同意,他们会进入下一个礼仪“问名”,即匹配生辰八字。 如果他们的生辰八字相合,接着第三个礼仪就是“纳吉”。男方通过给女方家第一封信“聘书”,即订婚书,来确认婚姻。 之后就是“纳征”,更多人称 “过大礼”,就是赠送结婚礼物。这个过程中,男方要将所有的聘礼都送到女方家,并将所有的聘礼列在第二张信“礼书”上,即礼单。 第五个礼仪叫“请期”,即筹划结婚时间。双方家庭将会根据“通胜(旧时的黄历)”算出黄道吉日作为结婚日期。 最后一个礼仪是“亲迎”或者“迎亲”。即结婚典礼。男方要去女方家给他们最后一封信“迎书”,即婚书。