

2018-10-02    00'53''

主播: Vivian💗

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Over 2,000 years ago, the city of Zhenyuan was built on a natural moat, sandwiched between mountains, intending to keep intruders out. But today, tourists flow through the streets of the famous Venice of the Orient. Built in 205 BC during the Qin Dynasty, Wuyang River divides the city into two parts - East and West. Numerous small canals, rivers and bridges dot the landscape of this ancient city. The city also thrived from trade. The Silk Road of the South went through this city because it was the only access point by ship from South China to the central plains. Merchant ships were docked here from Vietnam, Thailand and India, eager to move through the port to the capital. Today, you’ll find remnants of old and new married perfectly in this ancient city. As day turns to night, the stunning views turn into a neon wonderland. 镇远古城早在2000多年前就已出现,该城四周围绕着天然的护城河屏障,四面环山,建于此处为的是抵御外敌。但现今,这个有着“东方威尼斯”美誉的著名古城中游客穿梭如织。 镇远古城始建于公元前205年(秦朝时期),被㵲阳河一分为二——东面与西面。数不胜数的小运河,小河道还有桥梁点缀着这座古城。镇远古城曾也是贸易繁荣之地。镇远是“南方丝绸之路”的要津,因为它是船只从中国南部到达中原的必经之地。来自越南、泰国和印度的商船都会停靠到这里,等待着从这个港口去往京城。 今天,你会发现这座古城中新旧景象完美交融。当夜幕降临,美丽的镇远古城就会变成霓虹仙境。