See for yourself. That, experts tell ABC News, is not someone in a bear suit. They say it really is a bear standing on his hind legs and walking just comfortably and smoothly as a person.
Two weeks later, there he goes again, just two doors down. It's scary at first but after you’ve seen it a couple of times, it just becomes weird.
It turns out state wildlife officials have been monitoring Vinny ever since he was first reported to them back in June. They say he's a juvenile under three years old and weighs about 250 pounds, and he is walking upright because his two front paws are injured. More than likely it was a car accident.
Officials say the bear and his bear brethren are not a danger to people and they have no plans to capture or relocate him. Live and let live.
事实上是,自从 Vinny 6月份第一次被举报以来,这个州的野生动物官员就一直在监视它。他们说它是一个不到三岁的“少年”,体重约250磅,它直立行走是因为它的两个前爪受伤了。很可能是车祸。