1. It's time for today's doctor’s prescription because we've all done it. Maybe you have this brand new shirt. You love it, but you wear it, throw it in the washer and dryer. You take it out and now it's too small. Well, we heard abouta really cool trick to un-shrink yourclothes and our staff tried it out and it worked. Here’s what you do.
2. You fill up a bucket of warm water with baby shampoo. Let thatarticle of clothing soak for about 30 minutes, then you remove it, wring out the excess water and stretch it back to the original shape. Then you let it dry flat on a dry towel.
3. What's cool is the baby shampoo helps by making that clothing soft. It relaxes those fibers so you can stretch it out easily to however long you want it.They were able to add an inch anda half or so back to the length of the leg.