1. How did they decide on those numbers? Well, firstly, exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the conditions is the primary cause of auto crashes globally, which is why we have speed limits in the first place. Because speed limits are determined by data, but the data is from three main things:nature, engineering, and humans.
2. For example, when highway andtraffic researchers decide a speedlimit, they take into account the weather, visibility, terrain, the location of the road and so on - that’s the nature.
3. They also take into account the purpose of the road, crash risks, traffic and truck flow monitors, what the road is made of, the amount of shoulder next to the road, maintenance schedules - that’s the engineering.
4. The human component has a lot to do with safety, but also our ability to actually drive on the roadat that speed. So, nature, engineering and humans together (are) factored in to how we pick speed limits.