

2015-02-12    01'32''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus With the early tide of migrant workers streaming out of Beijing and coastal cities for Spring Festival, some industries are already facing a labor shortage. Labor-intensive industries including catering, housekeeping services and delivery will take a harder blow from the absence of migrant workers over the holiday, and the shortages of holiday labor have been seen since 2010. This year, the exodus of migrant workers from major cities began much earlier than in the past. A survey in Shanghai has found that around 5 percent of respondents left their working cities 50 days ahead of Feb 19, the Chinese New Year’s day. The survey was based on company reports covering 350,000 individuals in the housekeeping services in major Chinese cities including Beijing and Shanghai. migrant worker n. 农民工,流动工人,外地打工仔,即进入城镇务工的农业户口人员。一般没有很高的学历,从事体力要求较高、薪水较低的工作。 这个群体是我国特有的城乡二元体制的产物。其待遇在近几年由于国家经济的发展,有了一定改观,但待遇、生存环境等问题仍然急需相应的管理制度加以完善。 stream vi. 流,流动 意思相关的名词“河流,小溪”也很常用 例句: It breaks my heart to see tears stream down her face. (看到泪水顺着她的脸颊流下,我的心都碎了。) If you want to chill out and smell some fresh air, just walk down the road and find the stream there. It’s like heaven. (如果你想放松一下,呼吸一些新鲜空气,就沿着这条路走下去。你会看到一条小溪。那里宛若天堂。) labor shortage n. 劳动力短缺,用工荒 labor-intensive industry n. 劳动密集型产业 指主要依靠大量使用劳动力,而对技术和设备的依赖程度低的产业。其衡量的标准是在生产成本中工资与设备折旧和研究开发支出相比所占比重较大。本文中提到的餐饮业(catering)、家政业(housekeeping service)和快递业(delivery)都是典型的例子。 blow n. 打击 exodus n. 大批离去 exodus必须符合两个条件:第一,大量;第二,同时离去。 例句: The hospital is going through a hard time because of an exodus of doctors. (由于大批医生离去,医院正在经历艰难期。) cover vt. 包含,覆盖 例句: Sorry to give you the bad news, but the estimates only cover the fees for textbooks. There are also a few “recommended books” you will need to buy if you want to pass the exam. (抱歉告诉你一个坏消息,之前的估算只包含了课本的费用。如果你想顺利通过考试,还有几本“推荐书籍”需要购买。)